Location: | Alaska, United States, North America |
Lat / long: | 55.53029, -132.36013 |
dep_id: | 10000112 |
mrds_id: | A010139 |
Commodity type: | metallic |
Major mineral: | Copper |
Minor mineral: | Gold |
Operation type: | Unknown |
Production size: | Small ammount of material produced |
Development status: | Past Producer |
ore: | Chalcopyrite |
gangue: | Calcite, Epidote, Garnet, Magnetite |
orebody_fm: | IRREGULAR |
work_type: | Surface/Underground |
Reporter: | Hirschmann, M. M. (Elliott, R. L.), Mosier, Dan |
hrock_type: | Greenstone |
arock_type: | Syenite |
Year first produced: | 1906 |
yr_lst_prd: | 1907 |
disc_yr: | 1899 |
References: |
- Deposit:: USGS PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1, P. 101.
- Deposit:: USGS BULL 284, P. 47-48.
- Deposit:: USGS BULL 314, P. 67.
- Deposit:: USGS BULL 347, P. 117
- Deposit:: USGS MF 433
- Deposit:: USGS OF 78-869, P. 211.