Location: | Sierra County, New Mexico, United States, North America |
Lat / long: | 32.63429, -107.59004 |
dep_id: | 10008134 |
mrds_id: | D000059 |
Commodity type: | metallic |
Major mineral: | Zinc, Gold, Silver, Lead |
Minor mineral: | Vanadium, Copper |
Operation type: | Unknown |
Production size: | Small ammount of material produced |
Development status: | Past Producer |
ore: | Anglesite, Galena, Hemimorphite, Sphalerite, Vanadinite, Wulfenite |
work_type: | Underground |
alteration: | See Comments |
conc_proc: | Rock Was Silicified And Altered Before The Sulfides Were Introduced And The Metalizing Solutions Were Low In Silica. Oxidation Has Enriched The Ore Near The Surface And Down Tothe Groundwater Level. |
ore_ctrl: | Veins Confined To Pre-Existing Fissures, Fractures And Minor Faults. Rising Mineralized Solutions Followed These Structures And Were Controlled By Tightness Of The Fractures, Rate And Duration Of The Flows, Composition Of The Solutions And Minor Cross Fracture Intersections. |
Reporter: | Fischer, Richard P., Menzie, David |
hrock_unit: | Macho Pyroxene Andesite |
hrock_type: | Andesite |
arock_type: | Andesite |
tectonic: | Continental Platform Disrupted By Extensive Cenozoicvulcanism And Basin And Range Deformation. |
Year first produced: | 1880 |
yr_lst_prd: | 1928 |
disc_yr: | 1879 |
References: |
- Deposit:: HARLEY, G. T., 1934, NEW MEXICO SCHOOL OF MINES BULL. 10, P. 184-190
- Deposit:: JICHA, H L JR, 1954 NMBMMR BULL 37, P74