Mine detail: Jamestown District

Previously called 'CentralJimtown'

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Location: Boulder County, Colorado, United States, North America
Lat / long: 40.1272, -105.38809
dep_id: 10008720
mrds_id: D001069
mas_id: 80137015
Commodity type: metallic and nonmetallic
Major mineral: Gold, Fluorine-Fluorite
Minor mineral: Silver, Lead, Copper, Uranium
Trace mineral: Tungsten, Tellurium, Molybdenum
Operation type: Surface-Underground
Development status: Past Producer
ore: Gold, Fluorite, Telluride, Pyrite, Galena, Tetrahedrite
gangue: Quartz
model: 84: Alkaline Au-Te (Au-Ag-Te veins)
alteration: sericitic and silicified wall rocks
Reporter: Beach, Richard A.
hrock_unit: Idaho Springs Formation, Swandyke hornblends gneiss, Boulder Creek , Overland Mountain, and Silver Plume granites
hrock_type: Mica Schist,Mafic Gneiss,Granite,Granodiorite
arock_unit: sodic granite-quartz monzonite porphyry of Porphyry Mtn
arock_type: Alkali-Granite (Alaskite)
Structure: through-going NW-trending faults
  • Commodity:: Nelson-Moore, J.L., Collins, D.B., and Hornbaker, A.L., 1978, Radioactive mineral occurrences of Colorado: Colorado Geological Survey Bulletin 40, 1054 p., 12 pl.
  • Deposit:: LEMMON, D.M. AND TWETO, O.L., 1962, TUNGSTEN IN THE U.S., USGS MAP, MR-25
  • Deposit:: Goddard, E. N., 1946, Fluorspar Deposits of the Jamestown District, Boulder County, Colorado: Colorado Scientific Society Proceedings, v. 15, no.1, 47 p.
  • Deposit:: Vanderwilt, J.W., 1947, Mineral resources of Colorado: State of Colorado Mineral Resources Board, 547 p.
  • Geology:: Lovering, T. S., and Goddard, E. N., 1950, Geology and Ore Deposits of the Front Range, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 223, 319 p.
  • Names:: Dunn, L.G, 2003, Colorado mining districts: A reference: Golden, Colo., Colorado School of Mines Library, 364 p.
  • Production:: Brady, B. T., 1975, Map showing fluorspar deposits in Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Investigations Resources Map MR-70.
  • Production:: Koschmann, A. H., and Bergendahl, M. H., 1968, Principal gold-producing districts of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 610, 283 p.
  • Reserve-Resource:: Sunshine Mining Co. Colorado exploration files, file ID 14, Boulder County, Jamestown project, unpublished data, available at Colorado Geological Survey.
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