Mine detail: Akron Mine

Previously called 'Akron Tunnelincludes Mazeppa, May (or Little May), North Star, Tenderfoot, and W. and A. mines'

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Location: Gunnison County, Colorado, United States, North America
Lat / long: 38.53944, -106.3945
dep_id: 10009764
mrds_id: D002944
Commodity type: metallic
Major mineral: Zinc, Lead, Silver
Minor mineral: Copper, Gold
Operation type: Unknown
Production size: Medium ammount of material produced
Development status: Past Producer
ore: Chalcopyrite, Galena, Pyrite, Sphalerite
model: 72: Polymetallic replacement
Reporter: Hasler, J. William, Conservation Division Files, Intermountain Field Operations Center (IFOC), Beach, Richard A.
hrock_unit: Manitou Dolomite
hrock_type: Dolomite
arock_type: Rhyolite
Structure: reverse fault
  • Deposit:: COLO. MINING ASSOC. YEARBOOK, 1949
  • Deposit:: CONSV. DIV. COMP. DATE, 9,65
  • Deposit:: ROBINSON, 1955, CU PHD THESIS
  • Deposit:: Crawford, R. D., 1913, Geology and ore deposits of the Monarch and Tomichi districts, Colorado: Colorado Geological Survey Bulletin 4, 317 p.
  • Deposit:: Dings, M. G., and Robinson, C. S., 1957, Geology and ore deposits of the Garfield quadrangle, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 289, 110 p.
  • Deposit:: Sunshine Mining Co. Colorado exploration files, unpublished data, Colorado Geological Survey.
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