Location: | Beaver County, Utah, United States, North America |
Lat / long: | 38.36053, -112.77718 |
dep_id: | 10010357 |
mrds_id: | D003969 |
Commodity type: | metallic and nonmetallic |
Major mineral: | Beryllium |
Minor mineral: | Iron, Manganese, Fluorine-Fluorite, Copper |
Trace mineral: | Uranium, Zinc, Lead |
Operation type: | Unknown |
Production size: | Production occurred |
Development status: | Past Producer |
ore: | Apatite, Beryl, Chalcopyrite, Fluorite, Galena, Helvite, Magnetite, Sphalerite, Thulite |
gangue: | Mica, Oligoclase |
other_matl: | Topaz |
alteration: | Argillization |
ore_ctrl: | Pegmatite Lenses Along Aplite Dike In Tactite Zone |
Reporter: | Steven, T. A. |
hrock_type: | Limestone |
References: |
- Deposit:: EARLL, F. N., 1957 , PH.D. THESIS, UNIV. OF UTAH.
- Deposit:: SAINSBURY, C. L., 1962 , AM. MINERALOGIST, V. 47 , P. 395 - 398 .
- Deposit:: PARK, G. M., 1968 , M. S. THESIS, UNIV. OF UTAH.
- Deposit:: CRAWFORD, A. L., AND BURANEK, A. M., 1945 , UTAH ENG. & EXP STATION BULL. 25 .