Location: | Sierra County, New Mexico, United States, North America |
Lat / long: | 32.90262, -107.22476 |
dep_id: | 10011908 |
mrds_id: | D007099 |
Commodity type: | metallic |
Major mineral: | Manganese |
Operation type: | Unknown |
Production size: | Small ammount of material produced |
Development status: | Past Producer |
ore: | Psilomelane, Pyrolusite, Wad |
gangue: | Calcite |
orebody_fm: | PODS |
work_type: | Surface/Underground |
alteration: | Silicified Limestone |
ore_ctrl: | Fault-Fracture Structural Control. |
Reporter: | Menzie, David |
hrock_unit: | El Paso Group;Sierrite Limestone |
hrock_type: | Limestone |
Year first produced: | 1943 |
yr_lst_prd: | 1952 |
References: |
- Deposit:: FARNHAM, L.L., 1961 USBM IC-8030, P. 125-126
- Deposit:: KELLEY, V.C., AND SILVER, C., 1952 U.N.M. PUB. 4, P. 199, FIG.2
- Production:: FARNHAM, L.L., 1961 P. 125; AND NMBMMR GENERAL FILE DATA