Mine detail: Lone Mountain Prospect 1966

Previously called 'Julia Ann Prospect 1946'

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Location: Lincoln County, New Mexico, United States, North America
Lat / long: 33.76399, -105.75611
dep_id: 10013655
mrds_id: D010068
Commodity type: nonmetallic
Major mineral: Fluorine-Fluorite
Operation type: Unknown
Production size: No production occurred
Development status: Occurrence
ore: Fluorite
gangue: Calcite, Quartz
model: 174: Fluorspar deposits (fluorite veins)
ore_ctrl: Brecciated Fault In Favorable Limestone Host
Reporter: Haug, Jerry L. (Worl, Ronald G.)
hrock_unit: Yeso
hrock_type: Limestone
arock_type: Quartz Monzonite
Structure: Dome Structure Caused By A Tertiary Intrusive, N 35 E Trending Fault
tectonic: Basin And Range
  • Deposit:: WILLIAMS, FE, 1966, USBM INF CIRC 8307, P. 81.
  • Deposit:: ROTHROCK, HE, ET AL, 1946, NMBMMR BULL 21, P. 122.
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