Mine detail: Iron Mountain Mine

Previously called 'Iron Mountain Taconite'

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Location: Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, United States, North America
Lat / long: 36.72281, -106.23948
dep_id: 10014380
mrds_id: D011124
Commodity type: metallic and nonmetallic
Major mineral: Iron
Minor mineral: Phosphorus-Phosphates, Sulfur
Trace mineral: Titanium, Metal, Manganese
Operation type: Unknown
Production size: No production occurred
Development status: Occurrence
ore: Hematite, Magnetite
gangue: Phyllite, Quartz, Schist
orebody_fm: TABULAR
work_type: Surface
Reporter: Murray, Diane
hrock_unit: Moppin Metavolcanic Series
hrock_type: Iron Formation
Structure: Hopewell Anticline; The Axial Trace Is N 60 W, And It Plunges 35 To 45 Nw
tectonic: San Juan Uplift
disc_yr: 1950
  • Deposit:: LINDGREN, W., W.C. GRATON, AND C.H. GORDON, 1910, USGS PP 200, P. 128
  • Deposit:: BARKER, F., 1958, NMBMMR BULL 45, P. 20, 66
  • Deposit:: BERTHOLF, W.E., 1960, NMBMMR CIRC. 54, 24 P.
  • Deposit:: HARRER, C.M., AND F.J. KELLY, 1963, USBM IC 8190, P. 60-63
  • Deposit:: BINGLER, E.C., 1968, NMBMMR BULL 91, P. 101-106
  • Deposit:: MCLEROY, D.F., 1970, NMBMMR OFR 21, 244 P.
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