Mine detail: St. Jacob Mine

Previously called 'St. Jacob GroupPatented Claims: Hamilton, MS 2425Griggs, MS 2426St. Johns, MS 2427St. Jacobs, MS 2428'

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Location: Hinsdale County, Colorado, United States, North America
Lat / long: 37.84473, -107.36396
dep_id: 10014695
mrds_id: D011582
Commodity type: metallic
Major mineral: Silver, Gold, Copper, Lead
Minor mineral: Zinc
Operation type: Unknown
Deposit type: Vein
Production size: Small ammount of material produced
Development status: Producer
ore: Chalcopyrite, Enargite, Marcasite, Pyrite, Sphalerite
gangue: Barite, Quartz
alteration: Silicification
ore_ctrl: Fractures And Altered Porphyry In And Adjacent To Carson Intrusive Centersan Juan Volcanic Field, San Juan Depression
Reporter: Schwochow, Stephen D.
hrock_type: Rhyodacite,Quartz Latite,Andesite
arock_unit: Early Intermediate-Composition Lavas And Related Rocks--Lava Flows
arock_type: Rhyodacite,Quartz Latite,Andesite
Structure: San Juan Volcanic Field, San Juan Depression, San Juan-Uncompahgre Calderas, Lake City Caldera, Carson Volcano
tectonic: Central Cordillera (Southern Rocky Mtns)
Year first produced: 1895
yr_lst_prd: 1940
disc_yr: 1886
discr: H.H. Anderson And Others (Claimants)
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