Mine detail: Wm. E. Bartles Quarry Two

Previously called 'Martinsville Quarry'

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Location: Somerset County, New Jersey, United States, North America
Lat / long: 40.61667, -74.58292
dep_id: 10021841
mrds_id: DE01464
Commodity type: nonmetallic
Major mineral: Stone, Crushed/Broken
Operation type: Unknown
Production size: Small ammount of material produced
Development status: Past Producer
ore: Sandstone
Reporter: Master, Julian A. (Bell, Christy A.)
hrock_type: Sandstone
tectonic: Newark Rift Basin-Mesozoic
yfp_ba: <
Year first produced: 1881
ylp_ba: <
yr_lst_prd: 1940
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