Location: | Cherokee County, North Carolina, United States, North America |
Lat / long: | 35.04872, -84.08963 |
dep_id: | 10026135 |
mrds_id: | K002615 |
Commodity type: | nonmetallic |
Major mineral: | Talc-Soapstone |
Operation type: | Unknown |
Production size: | Production occurred |
Development status: | Past Producer |
ore: | Talc |
gangue: | Marble, Pyrite, Quartz |
orebody_fm: | LENS |
work_type: | Surface/Underground |
ore_ctrl: | Fracture Zone; Bedding |
Reporter: | Hale, Robin C. |
hrock_type: | Marble |
arock_unit: | Metadiorite, Dark-Green, Locally Porphyritic, Pyroxenite & Amphibolite. Van Horn ( 1948 , P. 15 ) Terms These Rocks Metadiorite Because He Considers Them To Be Metamorphosed Diorites That Have Lost Their Feldspar & Quartz Through Metamorphism |
arock_type: | Diorite |
Structure: | Northeast-Trending Strike Belts Defining A Major Syncline |
tectonic: | Geosyncline |
disc_yr: | 1942 |
prod_yrs: | AROUND 1900 - LATE 194* |
discr: | H.S. Predmore |
References: |