Location: | Swain County, North Carolina, United States, North America |
Lat / long: | 35.32178, -83.63156 |
dep_id: | 10026157 |
mrds_id: | K002646 |
Commodity type: | nonmetallic |
Trace mineral: | Talc-Soapstone |
Operation type: | Unknown |
Production size: | No production occurred |
Development status: | Occurrence |
ore: | Talc |
Reporter: | Hale, Robin C. |
hrock_type: | Marble |
arock_unit: | Metadiorite; Precambrian; Dark-Green, Locally Porphyritic, Pyroxenite And Amphibolite. Van Horn (1948, P. 15) Terms These Rocks Metadiorite Because He Considers Them To Be Metamorphosed Diorites That Have Lost Their Feldspar And Quartz Through Metamorphism |
arock_type: | Diorite |
Structure: | Northeast-Trending Strike Belts Defining A Major Syncline |
tectonic: | Geosyncline |
disc_yr: | 1938 |
References: |