Mine detail: Silver Bullion Mine

Previously called 'Black Prince Mine?'

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Location: Pima County, Arizona, United States, North America
Lat / long: 32.19539, -112.11933
dep_id: 10026741
mrds_id: M000025
Commodity type: metallic
Major mineral: Silver, Copper, Lead
Minor mineral: Gold, Zinc
Trace mineral: Molybdenum, Uranium
Operation type: Unknown
Production size: Small ammount of material produced
Development status: Past Producer
ore: Argentite, Chalcopyrite, Galena, Malachite, Pyrite, Silver, Sphalerite
gangue: Calcite, Hematite
orebody_fm: BUNCHY
work_type: Surface/Underground
alteration: Oxidized
ore_ctrl: Ore Along Contact Of Gneiss And Schist With Limestone. Numerous Pyr Ometosomatic Dikes
Reporter: Peterson, Jocelyn A.
hrock_type: Gneiss
arock_type: Quartz Monzonite
Structure: Strong Fault Zone
disc_yr: 1850
  • Deposit:: KEITH, 1974, ABM BULL 189
  • Deposit:: MINES HANDBOOK, 1922
  • Deposit:: USAEC RME-159, JUNE 1970
  • Production:: KEITH, 1974; ABM FILE DATA
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