Location: | Mohave County, Arizona, United States, North America |
Lat / long: | 35.79362, -114.03136 |
dep_id: | 10027707 |
mrds_id: | M003899 |
Commodity type: | metallic |
Major mineral: | Tungsten |
Operation type: | Unknown |
Production size: | Small ammount of material produced |
Development status: | Past Producer |
ore: | Scheelite |
work_type: | Surface/Underground |
conc_proc: | Enrichment Along Fault |
ore_ctrl: | Located Along Contact Between Granite And Quartz-Garnet-Epidote Mass |
Reporter: | Johnson, Kris H. (Creasey, S.C.) |
hrock_type: | Schist,Granite |
Structure: | Fault, N 20 W, 82 Ne |
prod_yrs: | PRIOR TO 1942 |
References: |