Mine detail: Argo Pioneer

Previously called 'Pioneer'

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Location: Mariposa County, California, United States, North America
Lat / long: 37.76464, -120.09266
dep_id: 10030962
mrds_id: M009476
Commodity type: metallic
Major mineral: Gold
Operation type: Unknown
Production size: Small ammount of material produced
Development status: Past Producer
ore: Gold, Pyrite
gangue: Quartz
orebody_fm: PINCH & SWELL
work_type: Surface/Underground
ore_ctrl: Shear Zone
Reporter: Gere, W., Hayden, F. (Albers, J.)
hrock_type: Diabase,Hornfels,Quartzite
prod_yrs: 1923 - 35 , 1937 , 1949
  • Deposit:: BOWEN, O. E., JR., & GRAY, H., JR., 1957 , MINES AND MINERAL DEPOSITS OF MARIPOSA COUNTY, CALIF.: CALIF. JOUR. MINES & GEOL., VOL. 53 , NOS. 1 & 2 , P. 75 - 76 , 235 .
  • Deposit:: CLARK, W. B., 1970 , GOLD DISTRICTS OF CALIF.: CDM BULL. 193 , P. 85 .
  • Production:: BOWEN AND GRAY, 1957
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