Mine detail: Unnamed Prospect.

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Location: Graham County, Arizona, United States, North America
Lat / long: 32.99732, -110.33512
dep_id: 10039455
mrds_id: M050103
Commodity type: metallic
Trace mineral: Copper
Operation type: Unknown
Production size: No production occurred
Development status: Occurrence
ore: Chalcopyrite, Malachite
Reporter: Bergquist, Joel R.
hrock_unit: Pinkard Formation Cretaceous Graywacke, Sandstone, Siltstone
hrock_type: Sandstone
arock_unit: 68 My/Copper Creek Granodiorite
arock_type: Diorite
Structure: Block Faults Trending Nnw. ; Reg.Trends: Minor Pre-Cretaceous E And Ne Trending Folds And Major Post-Cretaceous Faulting.
tectonic: Basin And Range.
  • Deposit:: SIMONS, F.S. 1964, U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROF. PAPER 461.
  • Deposit:: ROSS, C.P. 1925, U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULL. 763.
  • Deposit:: 1925 GEOLMAP ROSS, C.P. BULL. 763.
  • Deposit:: 1964 GEOLMAP SIMONS, F.S. PROF. PAPER 461.
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