Mine detail: Locan Shaft

Previously called 'Eureka Consolidated Property'

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Location: Eureka County, Nevada, United States, North America
Lat / long: 39.50186, -115.98896
dep_id: 10044762
mrds_id: M232347
Commodity type: metallic
Major mineral: Gold, Silver, Lead
Trace mineral: Molybdenum
Operation type: Unknown
Production size: Small ammount of material produced
Development status: Past Producer
ore: Molybdenite
orebody_fm: IRREGULAR
work_type: Underground
ore_ctrl: Fractured Permeable Zones, Fault Zones
Reporter: Kirkham, Richard A.
hrock_unit: Hamburg Dolomite
hrock_type: Dolomite
arock_type: Diorite
Structure: Ruby Hill Normal Fault Cuts And Downdrops The Orebody
Year first produced: 1920
dy_ba: <
disc_yr: 1920
  • NOLAN, T.B., (1962)
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