Location: | Esmeralda County, Nevada, United States, North America |
Lat / long: | 38.00355, -117.24452 |
dep_id: | 10046635 |
mrds_id: | M241826 |
Commodity type: | metallic |
Major mineral: | Silver |
Trace mineral: | Gold |
Operation type: | Unknown |
Production size: | No production occurred |
Development status: | Occurrence |
ore: | Argentite, Cerargyrite, Stephanite |
orebody_fm: | TABULAR |
work_type: | Surface/Underground |
alteration: | Potassic, Phyllic, Propylitic, Zoned Around Fractures And Faults |
Reporter: | La Pointe, D.D. (Tingley, J.V.) |
References: |
- Deposit:: LINCOLN, F.C., 1923
- Deposit:: NBMG REPORT 33.
- Deposit:: NBMG BULL 92, P. 121-128.
- Deposit:: WEE, W.H., ED., 1920, THE MINES HANDBOOK, VOL. XIV. P. 1164