References: |
- Deposit:: BEERS, R.F. ET AL, 1962, D.N.E.A. PROJECT 4947.
- Deposit:: CORNWALL, H.R., 1966, USGS BULL. 1223, P. 43.
- Deposit:: BASTIN, E.S., 1908, JOUR. GEOL. VOL. 16, P.124-138
- Deposit:: Houston, R.S., 1956, Genetic Study Of Some Pyrrhotite Deposits Of Maine And New Brunswick: Maine Geological Survey Bulletin 7, 117 P.Houston, R.S., 1956, Genetic Study Of Some Pyrrhotite Deposits Of Maine And New Brunswick: Maine Geological Survey Bulletin 7, 117 P.
- Deposit:: Rainville, G.D. And Park, W.C., 1976, Nickeliferous Pyrrhotite Deposits, Knox County, Southeastern Maine: Geological Society Of America Memoir 146, Studies In New England Geology, Northern New England, Pp. 319-347.Rainville, G.D. And Park, W.C., 1976, Nickeliferous Pyrrhotite Deposits, Knox County, Southeastern Maine: Geological Society Of America Memoir 146, Studies In New England Geology, Northern New England, Pp. 319-347.
- Deposit:: Rainville, G.D., 1976, Ore Petrology And Nickel-Manganese Variations In Olivines Of Mafic And Ultramafic Rocks With Emphasis On The Harriman Peridotite, Knox County, Maine: Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Boston University, Boston, Ma, 310Rainville, G.D., 1976, Ore Petrology And Nickel-Manganese Variations In Olivines Of Mafic And Ultramafic Rocks With Emphasis On The Harriman Peridotite, Knox County, Maine: Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Boston University, Boston, Ma, 310
- Deposit:: Bastin, E.S., 1908, A Pyrrhotitic Peridotite From Knox County, Maine: A Sulphide Ore Of Igneous Origin: Journal Of Geology, V. 16, P. 124-138.Bastin, E.S., 1908, A Pyrrhotitic Peridotite From Knox County, Maine: A Sulphide Ore Of Igneous Origin: Journal Of Geology, V. 16, P. 124-138.
- Deposit:: Cornwall, H.R., 1966, Nickel Deposits Of North America: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1223b, Pp. 136-137.Cornwall, H.R., 1966, Nickel Deposits Of North America: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1223b, Pp. 136-137.
- Deposit:: Beers, R.F., Casey, C.F., Wyke, D.E. And Young, R.S., 1962, Exploration Of The Crawford Pond Nickel Deposit: A Case History: Mining Engineering, V. 14, Pp. 56.Beers, R.F., Casey, C.F., Wyke, D.E. And Young, R.S., 1962, Exploration Of The Crawford Pond Nickel Deposit: A Case History: Mining Engineering, V. 14, Pp. 56.