Mine detail: Soldiers Peak-4

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Location: Kiowa County, Oklahoma, United States, North America
Lat / long: 34.84454, -99.23287
dep_id: 10094850
mrds_id: DE01797
Commodity type: metallic
Major mineral: Copper
Operation type: Unknown
Deposit type: Hydrothermal Vein
Production size: No production occurred
Development status: Occurrence
orebody_fm: 4 INCH VEINS
work_type: Surface
conc_proc: Hydrothermal Veins
ore_ctrl: Hydrothermal Veins
Reporter: Fay, Robert O.
arock_unit: Raggedy Mountain Gabbro Group
arock_type: Gabbro
Structure: Wichita Mountains, Lugert Granite Intrusive In Reformatory Granite, With Gabbro Xenolith
tectonic: Aulacogen
disc_yr: 1907
  • Deposit:: HALE, D.K., 1981B, CHRONICLES OF OKLAHOMA, V. 59, NO. 3, P. 304-319 (P. 312, 318).
  • Deposit:: MERRITT, C.A., 1958, OGS BULLETIN 76, 70 P. (P. 11-13, 15, 23-24, 36, 42, MAP).
  • Deposit:: POLK, T.R., 1948, UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA, M. GEOL. ENGR. THESIS, 87 P. (P. 16, 18, 62, 67, MAP).
  • Deposit:: RYAN, EBEN, JULY 1936, WPA PROJECT 65-65-538, SHEET KR-26, OGS, KIOWA CO., OKLAHOMA.
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