Location: | Adams County, Idaho, United States, North America |
Lat / long: | 45.16927, -116.6518 |
dep_id: | 10105597 |
mrds_id: | W012972 |
mas_id: | 160030009 |
Commodity type: | metallic |
Major mineral: | Copper |
Minor mineral: | Gold, Silver |
Trace mineral: | Zinc, Lead |
Operation type: | Surface-Underground |
Deposit type: | Contact Metamorphic |
Production size: | Small ammount of material produced |
Development status: | Past Producer |
ore: | Bornite, Chalcocite, Chrysocolla, Covellite, Cuprite, Malachite |
gangue: | Garnet |
other_matl: | Azurite, Calcite, Chalcopyrite, Epidote, Hematite, Pyrite, Quartz |
work_type: | Surface/Underground |
alteration: | Oxidation |
conc_proc: | Secondary |
ore_ctrl: | Contact |
Reporter: | Murphy, Lyn S.; Miller, Pat, Close, Terry J. |
hrock_unit: | Martin Bridge Limestone;Tactite |
hrock_type: | Skarn (Tactite) |
arock_unit: | Granodiorite |
arock_type: | Mafic Intrusive Rock,Granite |
tectonic: | Island Arc |
Year first produced: | 1888 |
disc_yr: | 1877 |
discr: | Levi Allen |
References: |
- Deposit:: Livingston, D. C., And Laney, F. B., 1920, The Copper Deposits Of The Seven Devils And Adjacent Districts: Idaho Bureau Of Mines And Geology Bulletin 1, P. 77 - 79
- Deposit:: USBM, 1975, Activity Of Idaho Mining Properties, 1974, USBM, Boise, Idaho, 61. P.
- Deposit:: 1920 Compile Idaho Bureau Of Mines And Geol., Bulletin 1
- Deposit:: 1975 Compile Us Bur Mines Mining Activity List For 1974
- Deposit:: Hayward 1928 Univ Of Idaho Bs Geol Thesis 20 P
- Deposit:: Lingren 1907 Eng & Min Jour V 84 P 201
- Deposit:: Cook 1954 Id Bur Mines & Geol Pamph 97 P 13
- Deposit:: Close, T.J., And Others, Mineral Resources Of The Hells Canyon Wilderness Area And Portions Of The Hells Canyon National Recreation Study Area, Adams, Idaho, And Nez Perce Counties, Idaho, And Wallowa County, Oregon: Unpublished U.S. Bureau Of Mines File Report, P. 140-145.
- Production:: Livingston, D. C., And Laney, F. B., 1920, Idaho Bureau Of Mines And Geology Bulletin 1, P. 77 - 79.