Location: | Yakima County, Washington, United States, North America |
Lat / long: | 46.79232, -121.36308 |
dep_id: | 10131383 |
mrds_id: | D001421 |
mas_id: | 530770001 |
Commodity type: | metallic |
Trace mineral: | Copper, Tungsten, Molybdenum |
Operation type: | Surface-Underground |
Development status: | Past Producer |
other_matl: | Arsenopyrite, Chalcopyrite, Molybdenite, Scheelite |
work_type: | Underground |
Reporter: | Van Noy |
References: |
- Deposit:: WA. DIV. MINE AND GEOL. BULLETIN 34, 1945, P. 81-82; PLATE
- Deposit:: 23.
- Deposit:: WA. DIV. MINES AND GEOL. BULLETIN 37, 1956, PART II, VOL. 1,
- Deposit:: P. 350.
- Deposit:: U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1504, 1983, P. 59-63.