Mine detail: Eureka Mining Co.

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Location: Hancock County, Maine, United States, North America
Lat / long: 44.39532, -68.642
dep_id: 10306825
Commodity type: metallic
Major mineral: Copper, Silver, Zinc, Lead
Operation type: Unknown
Deposit type: Stratabound Exhalative
Development status: Past Producer
model: 91: Massive sulfide, Besshi (Japanese deposits)
Reporter: Woodruff, L. G., Beck, F.
  • Deposit:: Morrill, P., And Hinckley, W.P., 1959, Eastern Maine: Maine Mines And Minerals, V. 2, Dillingham Natural History Museum, Naples, Maine, 80 P.Morrill, P., And Hinckley, W.P., 1959, Eastern Maine: Maine Mines And Minerals, V. 2, Dillingham Natural History Museum, Naples, Maine, 80 P.
  • Deposit:: Maine Geological Survey (Hussey, A. M., Ii; Compiler), 1958, Maine Metal Mines And Prospects: Maine Geological Survey Minerals Resources Index 3, 53 P.Maine Geological Survey (Hussey, A. M., Ii; Compiler), 1958, Maine Metal Mines And Prospects: Maine Geological Survey Minerals Resources Index 3, 53 P.
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