Mine detail: Barite Hill

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Location: McCormick County, South Carolina, United States, North America
Lat / long: 33.87486, -82.29485
dep_id: 10307219
mrds_id: TK00001
Commodity type: metallic and nonmetallic
Major mineral: Barium-Barite, Gold
Minor mineral: Zinc, Lead, Silver, Copper
Operation type: Unknown
Development status: Past Producer
ore: Pyrite, Gold, Chalcopyrite, Galena, Sphalerite
gangue: Barite, Quartz, Chert, Talc, Tremolite, Sericite
alteration: Hydrothermal Alteration
Reporter: Klein, Terry, Woodruff, Laurel G.
hrock_unit: Persimmon Fork Formation
hrock_type: Felsic Metamorphic Rock
Structure: Tight to isoclinal folding
tectonic: Piedmont Province
  • Deposit:: Clark, S.H.B., Bryan, N.L., Greig, D.D., Padgett, J.P., and Watkins, D.R., 1992, Geochemical profiles of six reverse-circulation drill holes from the Barite Hill gold deposit, South Carolina: South Carolina Geology, v. 35, p. 55-66.
  • Geology:: Clark, S.H.B., Gray, K.J., and Back, J. M., 1999, Geology of the Barite Hill gold-silver deposit in the Southern Carolina Slate Belt: Economic Geology, v. 94, p. 1329-1346.
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