Mine detail: Burkesville

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Location: Cumberland County, Kentucky, United States, North America
Lat / long: 36.77508, -85.33494
dep_id: 10307222
Commodity type: metallic and nonmetallic
Major mineral: Zinc
Minor mineral: Cadmium, Germanium
Operation type: Unknown
Development status: Past Producer
ore: Sphalerite
gangue: Dolomite, Chert
alteration: Dolomitization, Silicification
Reporter: Woodruff, Laurel G.
hrock_unit: Mascot Dolomite, Kingsport Formation
hrock_type: Carbonate
Structure: Nashville Dome
tectonic: Alleghanian Orogenic Belt Foreland
  • Briskey, J.A., Dingess, P. R., Smith, F., Gilbert, R.C., Armstrong, A.K., and Cole, G.P., 1986, Localization and source of Mississippi Valley-tu[e zinc deposits in Tennessee, USA, and comparisons with Lower Carboniferous rocks of Ireland: in Geology and genesis of mineral deposits in Ireland; Andrew, C.J., Crowe, R.W.A.. Finley, S., Pennell, W.M., and Pyne, J.F., (eds). Dublin, Irish Association for Economic Geology, 635-662.
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