Mine detail: Copper Mountain

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Location: Cordova County, Alaska, United States, North America
Lat / long: 60.89659, -146.59854
dep_id: 10308559
Commodity type: metallic
Major mineral: Copper, Zinc
Operation type: Unknown
Development status: Prospect
ore: Chalcopyrite
gangue: Quartz
model: 90: Massive sulfide, Cyprus
Reporter: S.W. Nelson
  • Deposit:: Jansons, Uldis, Hoekzema, R.B., Kurtak, J.M., and Fechner, S.A., 1984, Mineral occurrences in the Chugach National Forest, Southcentral Alaska: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report 5-84, 218 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
  • Deposit:: Crowe, D.E., Nelson, S.W., Brown, P.E., Shanks III, W.C., and Valley, J.W., 1992, Geology and geochemistry of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits and related igneous rocks, Prince William Sound, south-central Alaska: Economic Geology, v. 87, p. 1722-1746.
  • Deposit:: Crowe, D.E., Nelson, S.W., Brown, P.E., Shanks III, W.C., and Valley, J.W., 1993, Geology and geochemistry of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits and related igneous rocks, Prince William Sound, south-central Alaska-A reply: Economic Geology, v. 88, p. 1285-1288.
  • Deposit:: Sainsbury, C.L., 1993, Geology and geochemistry of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits and related igneous rocks, Prince William Sound, south-central Alaska, A discussion: Economic Geology, v. 88, p. 1284-1285.
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