Mine detail: Encampment District

Previously called 'Hub Mine, Grand Encampment District, Syndicate Mine , Portland Mine, Leighton-Gentry (Jack Creek) Mine, Itmay Mine, Sierra Madre, Hercules Mine, Gertrude Mine, Cascade Mine, Batchelder Mine, Verde-Hinton Mine, Meta Mine, Kurtz-Chatterton Mine, Ferris Haggarty Mine, Eureka Mine, Doane-Rambler Mine, Hidden Treasure Mine, Broadway Mine, Bridger Mine'

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Location: Carbon County, Wyoming, United States, North America
Lat / long: 41.171, -106.95414
dep_id: 10400401
Major mineral: Copper
Minor mineral: Zinc, Lead, Silver, Gold
Operation type: Surface-Underground
Development status: Past Producer
Reporter: Wilson, Anna B.
prod_yrs: intermittent
  • Deposit:: Hausel, W.D., 1989, The Geology of Wyomin* precious metal lode and placer deposits: Wyoming Geological Survey Bull. 68, 248 p.
  • Deposit:: Hausel, W.D., 1997, copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, and associated metal deposits of Wyoming: Wyoming Geological Survey Bull. 70, 229 p.
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